Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-scares-amazon-delivery-driver/

The tale of the dog and the mailman is as old as time. Typically speaking, we are used to the myth of the dog and mailman being mortal enemies. But, in reality, that’s hardly the truth.

Dogs are such friendly creatures it’s hard to imagine that they’d never like someone. There are plenty of videos out there on the internet that tend to prove that dogs and mail carriers are actually quite good friends.

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 22T194936.033 - Friendly Dog Catches Amazon Delivery Driver Off Guard
Photo: YouTube/ViralHog

One such adorable video features a delivery driver who gets a surprise from a very friendly pooch. Sadly, the encounter doesn’t quite go according to the dog’s plan.

In the video shared by ViralHog, which was captured by a security camera, viewers can see a delivery driver walking up to the front door carrying a large package.

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Photo: YouTube/ViralHog

As he makes his way to the porch, he must have missed the large black dog that is chilling in the front yard right there on the side of the house. The fluffy black dog might be a giant, but it’s quite clear that he’s a sweetheart.

As soon as he notices the delivery man passing him, he stands up to say hi. Unfortunately, both his size and sudden appearance beside the delivery man cause the poor guy to get startled – an encounter during which he drops the package and stumbles back into some plant pots behind him.

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 22T195141.208 - Friendly Dog Catches Amazon Delivery Driver Off Guard
Photo: YouTube/ViralHog

After he recovers from his fright, he’s able to tell the camera, “It’s Amazon,” thus completing his delivery. Sadly, the pup never gets the head pats he was probably after.

Watch the hilarious video down below:

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What do you think of this delivery driver’s surprise? Have you ever been startled by a dog while doing deliveries? Has your dog ever accidentally scared a delivery driver? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog